Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A decorative notebook!

Hello there! Its A here. I'm going to show you how to decorate a notebook so that you have a fancy notebook now for the 2016 school year. So here's instructions on how to glam up that drab notebook if yours with just a little duct tape and some scissors! Lets just get into this..

1. Cut a strip of duct tape that's the same width as your note book, and tape it on. My standard Staples notebook width is 8" (eight inches). 

2. Repeat this step as many times as you need to fill the entire notebook front. For me, it took 5 more times. Thats 6 times altogether if you count the first one. 

There you have it! A glamorous notebook for the 2016 school year. Comment if you try this out! Thank you! Cheerio, A. 


  1. I love these kinds of posts! Unfortunately I have decorated all my notepads lol! :)
